3D printed top lamps, painted, with embedded LEDs and wires, filled with transparent resin imitating lampshades
Small connection board for top lights and two white top mark lights
Recreated model of the front panel with “Volvo” embossed on it Comparison of the original front panel with applied decals and the
custom embossed front panel with chrome painted embosses
Custom fuel tank model that matches the real one in terms of length.

The front grill lights were fitted in place and connectivity was tested before the next step.
Testing a module for that set of 4 LEDs. There are 42 patterns including not animated patterns like 100% intensity static lights, 40% intensity, and 0% intensity.

New feature, now the module can control another module or a set of external LEDs. So when the pattern starts to play, it can start another module or multiple modules or external LEDs (up to 40mA for all connected LEDs). There is new pattern, that turns off the flashing LEDs, but external LEDs still stay on. Of course, when the module receives a signal to turn off, all LEDs and the external LEDs (or another module) will be turned off. That way modules can be linked together.
Front main lights. Some cut is needed to fit the L shaped lights.
When the L shaped lights are glued to the main lights front cover part, separated earlier lights’ details are glued back into the L shapes.
The process of connecting wires Final stage of painting and adding side decals Final stage of painting and adding side decals Cabin corner air deflector 3D model Air deflector prepared for 3D resin printing Corner air deflector printed and painted Air deflector fitting check
Since there will be 10 LEDs on both wind deflectors, the current consumed by them and summed with the currents of other LEDs can (and will) exceed the allowed current (8mA) on P pad of Rx43d-1 receiver. I decided to make small universal connection board that allows to connect more LEDs (up to 20) using a small P-MOSEFT controlled by the signal from P pad (ground signal). The board (5.3×12.8 mm) can be cut to match the number of resistors and in my case I used 10 resistors 0402 (5.3×6.7 mm). Safe cutting applies to a minimum 6 resistors. The board can support two different signals for two separate sets of LEDs/resistors.

Resistors soldered to an uncut board Board cut to match 10 resistors (5.3×6.7mm)
Drilling for wind deflectors’ red lights
Wind deflector lamp model (3×0.6mm) Testing wind deflector red lights
Windshield driver’s props and registration plates
When putting the cabin together, it turned out that the original connection board was too big. It was hard to close the model. I decided to use a new, slightly smaller one, prepared for other models, but already made by the company that manufactures PCBs.
Hard to close the model The new connection board